After you have purchased you will receive an email with a serial code in this format...
Online Authorisation (Default)
Open your Mastering The Mix Plugin in your DAW and click the KEY icon in the top right-hand corner of the plugin wrapper. This will open an authorization page where you can copy and paste your authorization key. Click ‘Authorise’, and you’re good to go! You will have two activations per license purchased.
Offline Authorisation
1. Copy and paste the license code sent to you via email into the box below that says ‘Product Key’. Your license code will have this format: XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX.
2. Click 'Generate' to generate your Offline Activation Request XML. This file will be saved to your desktop.
3. Transfer this file to an online computer.
4. Upload the file to our website and you will receive an Activation Response XML file download.
5. Transfer that file onto your offline computer.
6. Click 'Load' then locate your Activation Response XML file to authorize your software offline.