Our authorization system needs to read all the components of a computer to get an accurate "fingerprint" of the computer, and that includes all real (a.k.a. non-virtualized) network adapters attached to the computer.
Note that these adapters do not need to be connected to the Internet.
Windows 7
There may be network adapters on the system that are disabled and our licensing system can’t read their hardware properties. The first thing you should do is update your network adapter drivers and then enable the drivers in the "Network Connections" control panel.
Windows 10 and above
Please make sure your network adapter drivers are the latest.
We have also heard of issues with the Xbox Wireless adapter for Windows. Try enabling and disabling that when authorizing. Also, try checking the Bluetooth device settings for any driver errors.
If you are still getting an issue, please open Power Shell, not the Cmd window, and type in
Get-WmiObject -Class "Win32_NetworkAdapter" | Format-List -Property Name,PhysicalAdapter,MacAddress
then hit Enter.
Check through the listed adapters, if you have your Wi-Fi or Ethernet adapter listed along with:
PhysicalAdapter : False
or the MacAddress field is empty:
MacAddress :
then please completely remove and uninstall that card, reboot and re-install. Then make sure it is enabled. You can put the WiFi adapter in "Airplane Mode" if you do not want an internet connection.
Still Not Working?
- Try again uninstalling the adapter completely but then use the plugins offline authorisation before then re-installing the adapter for normal use.
- Please uninstall the Wi-fi driver and check the box that says to remove it from my computer entirely.